Welcome to Laurens District Chapter SCGS, Inc.!
History of the Laurens District Chapter Genealogical Society – SCGS – 1985-2023
In March 1985, The Laurens County Library and the Henry Laurens Chapter of DAR co-sponsored workshops on genealogy. Other meetings were held and on Thursday, May 8, 1986, there was a Charter night held with a dinner. At this meeting, Edward L. Cheatham of Greenville, past President of SCGS, presented the Laurens District Chapter Genealogical Society their Charter with Andrew McGeachie, President of Laurens District Chapter receiving the Charter Certificate. At this Charter night, it was reported there were 142 charter members from twenty-two states. As of 2023 four of these original charter members are still members and active in our organization with three presently serving on our Laurens County SCGS Board and one on the State SCGS Board.
The Mission of the Laurens District Chapter SCGS, is to raise the standard of genealogical research through educational programs. workshops, publications of genealogical data, preservation and promotion of collected records, publications of a newsletter, and to stimulate and encourage a general interest in Laurens County Genealogy.
We are proud of what Laurens District Chapter of SCGS has achieved since that first meeting in 1985 and we strive to continue, for many years to come, our love of history of Laurens County.
Laurens District Chapter Meetings
These meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM from:
January to April
September through November
The above meetings are held at:
The Laurens County Museum
116 South Public Square
Laurens, SC 29360
In May and December, we have our meeting at a place that will be announced ahead of the event.
Laurens District Chapter of SCGS Membership
Benefits of membership in Laurens District Chapter of SCGS.
As a member of Laurens District Chapter SCGS you will receive the Tree Climber, which is published four times a year. This is sent by email if possible. It contains lots of information about Laurens ancestors, old buildings and other articles of interest about Laurens County. You can also post a query here and other members, who have that ancestry line, will try to help you and you may have found a new “Cousin”. We also have people that will help you more in-depth with your research for a fee.
You will also receive the state SCGS publication The Carolina Herald and Newsletter published four times a year and sent by email when possible. We have a wonderful South Carolina History room at the Laurens County Library and Kathryn Weathers, who is in charge of this room, is always willing to help. Call the Library at 864-681-7323 and ask for Kathryn.
Please go to the “Books” page and see the books we have published and are for sale. They are very informational and a big help with your research. We have very informational meetings from January to April and September through November. See “Meetings” for more information.
Your membership to Laurens District Chapter SCGS entitles you to be able to attend the SCGS Workshop in Columbia in July. This is a wonderful learning workshop for research. Shelby Lollis, the SCGS First Vice President, has wonderful speakers from all over the United States and Canada to come and give us information on how to do research and other genealogical topics.
Registration for this workshop and the SCGS Annual Meeting held in October will be posted later in the year. Please fill out the Online Membership Form or download the off-line Membership Form and join us as we research Laurens County history and our ancestors together.
Laurens District Chapter SCGS
Board of Directors for 2023
The mission of the Laurens District Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society, shall be to raise the standard of genealogical research through educational programs, workshops, publication of genealogical data, promotion and preservation of collected records, publication of a newsletter and to stimulate a general interest in genealogy.
Mike Becknell – President
Sara Jane Armstrong – Vice-President
Kathryn Weathers – Newsletter Editor & State Representative
Linda Finley – Treasurer
Shelby Lollis – Secretary
Cathy Morton – Refreshment Chair
Mike Bolt – Past President
Judy M. Riddle – Director
Richard Fowler – Director
Dianne Culbertson – Parliamentarian
Books for Sale by Laurens District Chapter SCGS
The following books may be ordered online, by mail, or purchased locally.
Click on the name of the books to see the books.
Burying Grounds, Graveyards and Cemeteries, Laurens County, SC – 5 volumes – $25.00 each if purchased locally, $30.00 if mailed
Laurens County Enrollment Book of Confederate Veterans – 1902 – A book compiled by Probate Judge O.G. Thompson of Confederate soldiers of Laurens County. $15.00 if purchased locally, $20.00 if mailed
The Tree Climber With Name Index – Laurens District SCGS Newsletter – 5 volumes (Vol I – 1986-1990, Vol II – 1991-1995, Vol III – 1996-2000, Vol IV – 2001-2005, Vol V – 2006 – 2010
Each volume contains ALL ISSUES of the Tree Climber for that period plus a full alphabetized index of all proper names included in the newsletters and exactly where they can be found. Each volume has around 10,000 names and 300 pages. A great help for researchers. $25.00 each if purchased locally, $30.00 if mailed.
Descendants of John Martin and Mary Osborne Martin of Laurens County, SC – A December 2006 revision of a Laurens County family from a book first printed in 1963 by Christian South Gee of Laurens County with additional, revisions and transcripts of family history. It contains 248 pages plus 25 pages of the Index of Individuals. Some families in the book: Armstrong, Babb, Bailey, Ball, Benjamin, Brown, Caldwell, Culbertson, Finley, Garrett, Hitt, Knight, Langston, Madden, Martin, Moore, Osborne, Putnam, Riddle, and Teague. $25.00 each if purchased locally, $30.00 if mailed.
Lineage Charts – $0.25 cent if sold locally – $1.00 if mailed – these can be picked up at the Laurens County Public Library
Make checks payable to: Laurens District Chapter SCGS P.O. Box 1217 Laurens, SC 29360-1217 |
Local pickup can be arranged